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Monthly Archives: November 2023


Parents Sue After Fatal New York Bus Accident

By Cohan Law Firm |

In an inevitable development, at least one set of parents has decided to sue after the bus crash that recently made headlines. The crash, which occurred on a New York highway, claimed the lives of two adults and injured numerous students. This might be the beginning of a much larger lawsuit, as other parents… Read More »

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Can You Get Compensation after Hitting a Deer in New York?

By Cohan Law Firm |

While New York City is filled with skyscrapers and office buildings, it is also home to a surprisingly robust deer population. Although it might seem unthinkable to outsiders, residents of the Bronx and other neighborhoods know that a white-tailed deer is a fairly common sight in many parts of the city. This might be… Read More »

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All Onewheel Electric Skateboards Have Now Been Recalled

By Cohan Law Firm |

Over the past few years, all kinds of new electric vehicles have appeared on New York’s roads – including electric cars, electric bikes, and electric skateboards. But not all of these vehicles are safe. In fact, many have now been recalled after a number of serious, potentially-fatal accidents. The hype surrounding new technology can… Read More »

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Can I Sue for an Escalator Injury in New York?

By Cohan Law Firm |

The escalator is much older than the elevator, having first been patented all the way back in 1859. Since then, it has become a fixture across numerous cities – often appearing in subway stations, airports, and shopping malls. Unfortunately, safety concerns associated with escalators continue to persist despite these inventions being around for almost… Read More »

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Doctor Somehow Continues to Practice Medicine after Causing Injuries in New York

By Cohan Law Firm |

Medical standards in New York are extremely high, and doctors will lose the right to practice medicine if they cause injuries or harm of any kind. However, it is theoretically possible for a healthcare provider to continue treating patients in other states even after losing their medical license in another state. Such was the… Read More »

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Cyclist Accidents Are Getting Out of Control in New York

By Cohan Law Firm |

 As any cyclist will tell you, New York’s streets aren’t exactly bike-friendly. Sure: There are plenty of bike lanes, and drivers are expected to share the road with cyclists in many situations. That said, the statistics don’t lie. Many cyclists are injured on a weekly basis, and the past week in New York has… Read More »

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Why Garbage Trucks Are So Hazardous in New York

By Cohan Law Firm |

Although the average driver in New York might not think much of the slow, lumbering pace of garbage trucks, these vehicles pose unique and serious safety hazards to the general public. On more than one occasion, people have been injured or killed by garbage trucks – and negligence is often to blame. But why… Read More »

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Cancer Victims Score Victory Against Goodyear in New York

By Cohan Law Firm |

Many companies have been accused of creating hazards that lead to cancer for workers and other members of the public. One of the most notable recent examples is Goodyear – a tire company that has been accused of exposing its factory workers to asbestos. The lawsuit has been ongoing for years, but plaintiffs continue… Read More »

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Numerous Injuries Reported at Midtown Construction Site

By Cohan Law Firm |

One of the most interesting New York construction projects of recent memory is a high-rise building in Midtown which will also feature an amusement park ride on its roof. The entire concept seems somewhat bizarre and potentially dangerous. Unfortunately, the project has already seen a plethora of accidents – even before the roof-mounted free-fall… Read More »

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Yet Another School Bus Crashes in Queens

By Cohan Law Firm |

If you’ve been keeping an eye on car accidents in New York, you might be aware that school buses have a worrying tendency to crash. What makes these incidents especially troubling is the fact that school buses tend to transport children – putting the most vulnerable members of our society at risk. While varying… Read More »

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