4 Ways Your Case is Affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic

Here are some ways that your injury case may be delayed by the covid-19 pandemic. Make sure to hire an attentive and hard-working personal injury attorney in order to avoid adverse consequences to your case.
1. Courts are closed. New York State Courts have closed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Courts setup Skype for Business and telephone conferences for important or “essential” Court dates. All other “non-essential” appearances are postponed or delayed indefinitely. The situation changes by the day, and some Courts are now offering virtual conferences for “non-essential” hearings. Make sure to check in with your lawyer on the status of your case.
2. Medical Offices are closed or limited. Many physical therapy and doctors’ offices are closed or have limited hours during the pandemic. Many doctors now offer “tele-medicine”, whereby you may work with you doctor over the phone to perform at home treatment.
3. Depositions are cancelled or are virtual. Law firms are unwilling to conduct depositions. Some law firms agree to conduct depositions remotely through video and “tele-conference”. As of now, if both parties don’t agree to conduct a virtual deposition, the deposition is postponed indefinitely.
4. Meeting with your lawyer. Clients and lawyers are hesitant to meet with each other due to social distancing rules. Lawyers and clients are meeting via telephone and video conference and signing documents electronically through applications like docusign and signnow.