5 Ways To Stay Productive During Quarantine

Quarantine could be very frustrating. Especially as the weather gets better, everybody wants to get out and enjoy the day. Here are five ways to stay productive.
1. Read a New Book – you will never have this much time to open a good book. Dust off that book you’ve been putting off or download one on your kindle.
2. Learn a new skill. Youtube provides a plethora of information and instruction on “how to” skills.
3. Spring cleaning. Take some time and clean out that old kitchen cabinet. Open up you closet and see what you could donate to the less fortunate.
4. Transform to digital. One of the great lessons of the covid-19 quarantine is how important it is to be digitally savvy. Take this time to figure out what aspects of your life you could transform to digital. Are there tasks you could achieve over zoom or facetime? Are there paper documents you could save onto a google drive?
5. Connect with family and family. With all your free time, it’s a great opportunity to spend time and have lengthy conversations with family members and friends. Catch up on the last few years.