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NYC Personal Injury Lawyers / New York City Hidden, Missing or Incorrect Road Sign Lawyer

New York City Hidden, Missing or Incorrect Road Sign Lawyer

When we drive on city streets or the highway, we assume that the signs put in place are reliable, and that if we obey their directives we will not only be in line with the law, but will be safe and avoid any preventable collisions. Yet, signs are placed by humans, and human error is essentially the only cause of traffic collisions. There are no accidents, only preventable collisions that could have been avoided if all participating parties had followed through with their duty of care. As such, if you were injured in a traffic collision that was caused by incorrect signage, missing signs, or a hidden sign, you may be able to win compensation from the at fault party. The New York City hidden, missing, or incorrect road sign lawyers at Cohan Law Firm are ready and willing to take on your case.

Road Sign Liability

Municipalities and the New York Department of Transportation are responsible for providing and maintaining road signs, which are an integral part of roadways systems. Without signs, drivers are unaware of the speed limit, what to do at intersections, and even what lane they should be in.

  • Hidden Signage—Common examples of hidden road signs include the following:
    • Sign incorrectly placed
    • Sign covered by overgrown tree or bush
    • Sign unreadable by dust/dirt/mud/etc
    • Sign was placed improperly behind another object, such as a lamp pole or telephone pole
  • Missing Signage—The state of New York or the city are responsible for replacing missing or damaged road signs that are illegible. If a road sign was missing and caused a crash, you can sue the at fault party for damages. However, winning such a personal injury claim or suit is only possible if the responsible party had real or constructive knowledge of the missing sign, and had a reasonable amount of time to replace the missing sign.
  • Incorrect Signage—Signs signifying that it is safe to pass, or that a U-turn is permissible on a green light, can cause serious injuries if drivers obey the signage, assuming it is correct. Incorrect road signs are a serious hazard, and the city or state can be held liable for injuries caused.

Hidden, Missing, or Incorrect Road Signs in Construction Zones

Quite possibly even more likely of a wrong road sign scenario is missing or incorrect signet in construction zones, where conditions are frequently changing. A wrong sign here can result in serious injury or death in a head-on crash. A flagger’s wrong sequence of letting traffic though can cause mass pileups. If you were injured in a construction zone collision in which there was inadequate or simply incorrect signage, you can seek compensation from the construction company or other at fault party responsible for handling signet, cones, and other cautionary/safety infrastructure that failed in its duty.

Call a New York City Sign Error Attorney Today 

Was your crash caused by faulty signage? If so, we urge you to take action by filing a personal injury claim with the city of or state of New York. You must act quickly, however, as the statute of limitations is just 90 days. Call Cohan Law Firm at 855-855-0321 today for a complimentary consultation.

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