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Can You Sue for Negligent Security in New York?


In New York, property owners can be held accountable for their security systems – or lack thereof. If there is an obvious risk of violence or other criminal activity, property owners must put some kind of security plan into place. If they fail to do this, they may be sued by those who become injured as a result. But when can you sue for negligent security in New York? What kind of businesses may be held liable, and what exactly “counts” as negligent security?

Couple Sues New York Hotel after Being Accosted by Armed Robber

 In July of 2023, a couple sued a New York hotel for an incident that occurred in 2021. Apparently, the couple had ordered an Uber Eats delivery and opened the door – expecting to find a hot meal waiting for them. Instead, they were greeted by a pair of armed robbers who restrained the hotel guests, put guns to their heads, and stole everything of value. The couple claims to have suffered a range of health issues as well as financial losses, such as nightmares, racing hearts, and lasting psychological trauma.

The couple also pointed out that they reported the crime as soon as possible – causing the police to get involved. The hotel calls this entire incident “highly suspicious,” suggesting that the entire incident may have been staged. According to the police, there are missing elements of the video surveillance that depicts the incident.

New York Subway System Introduces Robot Security Guards 

While hotels certainly see their fair share of violence, the New York subway system experiences a high number of violent crimes and other offenses. This has led the city to explore various options – including increasing the number of police officers assigned to the subway system. However, some have suggested even more innovative options such as robotic security guards. Although this might seem like science fiction, the truth is that the city is already experimenting with the idea.

On September 22nd, it was reported that the city had introduced a Knightscope K5 Night Security Robot to the subway system. During the next two months, the robot will patrol the subway system during the late-night hours when crime is most frequent. The primary function of this robot is to record video. But many have raised questions about whether this is an effective choice – especially since the subway system already has video cameras.

Where Can I Find a Qualified, Experienced Personal Injury Attorney in New York? 

If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced New York personal injury attorney who can help you with your negligent security lawsuit, look no further than the Cohan Law, PLLC. Over the years, we have helped numerous injured plaintiffs in the New York area. We know that violence can lead to serious, life-altering injuries. Property owners can and should be held accountable for failing to put proper security plans in place, so get in touch today and get started on an effective action plan.




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