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NYC Personal Injury Lawyers / Brooklyn Auto Accident Lawyer

Brooklyn Auto Accident Lawyer

Brooklyn’s bustling streets can make them difficult to navigate, which is one of the factors contributing to the fact that car accidents are quite common in the borough. Although some of these accidents are fairly minor, others leave victims with catastrophic injuries that will remain with them throughout their entire life.  If you have been hurt, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, lost income, and more. Obtaining the fair settlement you deserve is not easy. Our Brooklyn auto accident lawyer can negotiate on your behalf to ensure your rights are protected.

No-Fault Auto Insurance in New York

New York is a strictly no-fault auto insurance state. This means that after a crash, your first recourse is to file a claim with your own insurance company. You must file this claim first, regardless of who is at fault. When filing a claim with your own insurance company, you can recover your initial medical expenses, a portion of your lost wages, and the property damage you incurred.

Many motorists believe this no-fault auto insurance is beneficial because it allows them to receive coverage fairly quickly after an accident. This is partly true. It does not take that long to file a claim with your own insurance company and receive PIP benefits. However, no-fault auto insurance also has two significant drawbacks.

Low Ball Insurance Settlements

The first challenge with no-fault insurance is that your insurer does not want to pay more than they have to. Even though you have faithfully paid your insurance premiums every month, the insurer prioritizes their profits over your safety and well-being. Insurance companies will use many different tactics when trying to deny or reduce your claim. They may argue that you were not as hurt as you claim, or that you violated your policy terms and so, coverage is no longer applicable.

It is critical to work with a Brooklyn auto accident lawyer when filing a claim, even with your own insurance company. Our attorney knows the strategies insurance companies use to shield themselves from liability and can fight back against them so you receive full compensation.

The Policy Limits Do Not Provide Full Coverage

Under New York law, all motorists must purchase a minimum of $25,000 in bodily injury for one person, $50,000 in bodily injury for the entire accident, and $10,000 in property damage. Most motorists do not purchase more than these minimum amounts in order to keep the cost of their monthly premiums down.

If you have suffered a serious injury, such as paralysis, during an auto accident, the minimum amounts will likely not be enough to cover the cost of your injuries and other losses. In these instances, state law allows you to file a claim directly against the negligent party that caused your injuries if you meet the serious injury threshold. Our experienced attorney can help determine if you meet this threshold and help you through the process.

Our Auto Accident Lawyer in Brooklyn Can Negotiate a Full Settlement

After an accident, do not negotiate with the insurer on your own. At Cohan Law Firm, our Brooklyn auto accident lawyer can negotiate on your behalf and ensure your best interests are protected so you obtain the maximum damages you are entitled to. Call us today at 855-855-0321 or contact us online to request a consultation.

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