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NYC Personal Injury Lawyers / Blog / Motorcycle Accident / Can a Motorcycle Cause Injuries to a Car Passenger?

Can a Motorcycle Cause Injuries to a Car Passenger?


Most people understand that when a motorcycle impacts a passenger vehicle, the motorcyclist is almost guaranteed to suffer the worst injuries. In contrast, car passengers are generally unaffected by these impacts – aside from light ailments. However, this is not always the case – and a recent Bronx motorcycle crash shows that car passengers may be affected in certain situations. What if you were injured by a negligent motorcyclist in the Bronx?

Small Child Injured After Motorcycle Impacts Sedan in the Bronx 

In August of 2024, numerous sources reported that a small child was in critical condition after a motorcycle crash in the Bronx. The child was inside a sedan at the moment of the impact, which left the Lexus “completely crushed.” This shows that although motorcycles are smaller and lighter than passenger vehicles, they are still capable of causing catastrophic damage and injuries.

Predictably, the driver of the motorcycle died after the collision – while a female passenger riding on the motorcycle suffered critical injuries. Two adults inside the Lexus were hospitalized with unspecified injuries – but they are expected to make full recoveries. The 3-year-old child’s fate is less certain, and she is said to be in critical condition.

Although the circumstances of this accident are unclear, they illustrate a potential situation where a family might want to hold a negligent motorcyclist liable for injuries.

How Do I Sue a Motorcyclist After a Crash in New York? 

A number of factors complicate personal injury claims against negligent motorcyclists, although legal professionals can help you navigate these challenges.

First of all, motorcyclists do not fall under the same no-fault insurance as passenger vehicles. This means that the normal no-fault procedures may not apply, and a personal injury lawsuit may be possible. In a personal injury lawsuit, you must prove negligence to recover compensation. Although this process can be more complex, it can also lead to higher levels of compensation.

The second factor to consider is the high fatality rates among crashed motorcyclists. If a motorcyclist crashed into your vehicle with such force that you suffered injuries, there’s a good chance that they are no longer alive. This may require you to pursue compensation from their family estate – a process that involves even more complexity.

The good news is that a personal injury lawyer in New York can help you overcome these various challenges as you pursue compensation for funeral expenses, unpaid medical costs, missed wages, emotional distress, and much more.

How Can a Bronx Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Help Me? 

Cohan Law, PLLC understands how dangerous motorcycle crashes in the Bronx can be. Although these vehicles might be relatively lightweight, they are still capable of causing catastrophic injuries – even to those traveling in passenger vehicles. If you’d like to assess your legal options after a crash of this nature, consider a consultation with us. During this initial first meeting, you can discuss the most appropriate next steps. Reach out to our New York motorcycle accident lawyers today to get started.





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