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NYC Personal Injury Lawyers / Blog / Motorcycle Accident / Teen Motorcyclist from Brooklyn Killed After Truck Does U-Turn

Teen Motorcyclist from Brooklyn Killed After Truck Does U-Turn


Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable to sudden, erratic maneuvers by passenger vehicles. When a truck performs a U-turn seemingly out of nowhere, a motorcyclist may have no time to react. A recent fatal crash illustrates this fact with shocking clarity – and a teen from Brooklyn has lost his life as a result. What can you do if you were injured by a driver doing a U-turn? Is it possible to pursue compensation for your damages? This is something you might want to ask a motorcycle accident lawyer in New York.

19-Year-Old Motorcyclist Collides With Truck Performing U-Turn 

In October of 2024, various sources reported that a 19-year-old motorcyclist had lost his life after impacting a pickup truck. The driver of the truck was allegedly in the middle of performing a U-turn when the impact occurred. Although the teen was from Brooklyn, the accident occurred in New Jersey.

Police say that the pickup truck was moving through a “turnaround,” which is a designated area for legal U-turns. However, this does not necessarily mean that the pickup truck driver is free from fault. Even when moving through a turnaround, drivers must yield to traffic traveling in the opposite direction. Motorcyclists can be difficult to spot – especially at night (the accident occurred close to midnight).

Are U-Turns Illegal in NYC? 

According to the Department of Motor Vehicles in New York, you should never attempt a U-turn on a highway “unless absolutely necessary.” The DMV also states that you can make a U-turn when you have a “green arrow” left-turn signal.

The DMV states that some U-turns are inherently dangerous. For example, making a U-turn at the top of a hill or curve can lead to serious crashes. In the same way, a U-turn where there is limited visibility is highly inadvisable. Perhaps most notably, all U-turns are illegal in New York City’s “business districts.” This includes many areas in Manhattan. In addition, U-turns are illegal in all school zones. In some areas, there are signs that specifically state “no U-turns.”

Can I Pursue Compensation After a Motorcycle Accident Caused by a U-Turn? 

If you believe that your motorcycle accident was caused because of an illegal U-turn, you may be able to pursue compensation. In addition, families who have lost loved ones due to illegal U-turns may be able to file wrongful death claims. An injury lawyer can help plaintiffs prove that the U-turn occurred – and that it was unlawful.

Key Takeaways 

  • In New York, U-turns are illegal in many situations
  • A wrongful death claim may be possible after a fatal motorcycle accident
  • A personal injury lawyer can help you prove U-turn negligence

Can a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Brooklyn Help? 

A motorcycle accident lawyer in Brooklyn may be able to help you pursue compensation for medical expenses, missed wages, and other damages. We know how dangerous U-turns can be, and negligent drivers may be liable if these maneuvers injure motorcyclists in Brooklyn. Reach out to Cohan Law, PLLC today to learn more about your legal options.




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