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Airline Sued in New York for Hot-Coffee Burn


When a company serves hot coffee on the move, there is always the potential for serious burns. This is true whether the victim is moving through a drive-thru at a snail’s pace – or whether they’re zooming through the clouds at 30,000 feet. While most people probably associate hot coffee lawsuits with the former, a recent claim in New York shows that airlines can be sued for these types of accidents as well.

Man Left Disfigured After Coffee Mishap on American Airlines 

On September 25th, Simple Flying reported that a man was suing American Airlines in New York for a coffee burn. The plaintiff was apparently flying from Vietnam to New York earlier in October when he was served a coffee. The flight attendant allegedly spilled the hot beverage onto him, causing serious injuries that later required surgery. The lawsuit claims that the airline refused to move the victim to a more comfortable location after the injury (such as the business class section).

The injury was apparently so bad that it left the victim disfigured. Of particular note is a tattoo on the plaintiff’s arm, which allegedly became damaged and illegible after the blisters, second-degree burns, peeling, and so on. This seemingly pushes the disfigurement and scarring to a new level. Finally, the plaintiff is claiming non-economic damages – as he claims that the injury has made it very difficult to sleep.

Hot Coffee Lawsuits Are Becoming More Common on Airlines 

This isn’t the first time an airline has been sued for a hot coffee burn. Recently, Lufthansa offered a rather paltry sum of $500 to a teen who had suffered legitimate second-degree burns due to a coffee spill. In its defense, Lufthansa claimed that the teen never provided any actual evidence of their injuries. This is a stark reminder to always get medical treatment after suffering an injury – as this will create evidence in the form of medical records.

In Which Jurisdiction Should You Sue an Airline? 

Due to the international nature of the airline business, it might be difficult to determine where to sue the defendant. An obvious choice is to sue the airline in the jurisdiction of its corporate headquarters. However, it is theoretically possible to sue the airline in any jurisdiction where it operates flights. The aforementioned American Airlines lawsuit was filed in New York – despite the company being based in Texas and the plaintiff hailing from Pennsylvania. Because the flight landed in New York, courts of this jurisdiction were able to hear the lawsuit.

Where Can I Find a Qualified, Experienced Injury Lawyer in Brooklyn? 

If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced New York personal injury lawyer, look no further than Cohan Law, PLLC. We know that hot coffee can cause legitimate burns, and victims of these accidents are fully entitled to consider their options for compensation. Book a consultation with us today, and we can discuss the most appropriate course of action.




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