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NYC Personal Injury Lawyers / Blog / Personal Injury / Brooklyn Supermarket Fire Injures Seven

Brooklyn Supermarket Fire Injures Seven


In early May of 2024, yet another major fire broke out in New York. This time, a supermarket went up in flames, injuring numerous people and leaving dozens more homeless. Serious fires seem to be occurring on an almost weekly basis in New York. Many people are wondering what could be sparking these blazes – especially those who have suffered serious injuries. If you find yourself in this situation, a New York personal injury lawyer can help you find answers. More importantly, they can help you hold negligent parties liable for your injuries.

Firefighters Still Don’t Know What Caused the Fire 

Firefighters did not reveal what might have caused the recent supermarket fire, which proved to be one of the worst in months. Brooklyn has been plagued by numerous fires within the past few years, and this recent blaze is yet another tragedy in a long string of disasters. Once again, numerous injuries were reported – and up to 30 people were left homeless.

Although firefighters aren’t yet sure what caused the fire, they say the wooden construction of these buildings made the inferno especially bad. 250 firefighters arrived at the scene, and it took them quite some time to get the blaze under control. Although the fire started at a supermarket, it quickly spread to nearby apartments – causing many people to lose everything.

How Do I Pursue Compensation After a Fire in Brooklyn?

 It will be easier to pursue compensation for your injuries and losses if you know who or what started the fire. There are many possible negligent parties who could have contributed to your injuries – including:

  • Negligent landlords
  • Negligent property owners
  • Negligent business owners
  • Negligent product manufacturers
  • Negligent e-bike owners
  • Arsonists

Your burn injury lawyer can help you determine who or what might have contributed to your injuries. From there, you can hold these negligent parties liable and pursue compensation for your damages. If necessary, your injury lawyer can gather evidence on your behalf and represent you during a trial.

The sooner you get started, the better. The statute of limitations in New York puts a time limit on your personal injury case, and you might lose the opportunity to sue if you wait too long. Consultations with lawyers are quick and easy – and they help you move forward with greater confidence.

 Key Takeaways 

  • Fires have been rampant across New York within the past few years
  • Injured plaintiffs can file premise liability lawsuits after suffering burns
  • Many fires are sparked by negligence, including defective products

Work With an Experienced Brooklyn Burn Injury Lawyer 

If you’re serious about pursuing compensation for your burn injuries, look no further than Cohan Law, PLLC. Over the years, we have helped numerous injured plaintiffs throughout the Brooklyn area. We know how life-altering a serious burn can be. With our assistance, you can claim damages such as disfigurement, medical expenses, missed wages, and much more. Reach out today, book a consultation, and review your legal options in more detail.




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