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Category Archives: General


Slipping on Black Ice as a Pedestrian: What You Need to Know and Your Legal Rights

By Cohan Law Firm |

Winter in New York can turn sidewalks into dangerous hazards, and one of the biggest threats to pedestrians is black ice. Unlike fresh snow, which is visible and provides some traction, black ice is nearly invisible and can cause unexpected and serious falls. If you’ve slipped on black ice and suffered injuries, you may… Read More »

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Cohan Law Firm Gives Back – Free Backpacks and Essential School Supplies To PS 197 in Harlem

By Cohan Law Firm |

At Cohan Law Firm, we believe in giving back to the community we serve. Each year, our team is proud to host school supply giveaways for underprivileged children in New York City. This year, we distributed backpacks and essential school supplies at PS 197 in Harlem. Our commitment to supporting local families and children… Read More »

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Five Residents Injured in Manhattan Apartment Fire Sparked by Lithium-Ion Battery

By Cohan Law Firm |

Despite numerous warnings from fire officials, New Yorkers continue to charge their e-bikes and e-scooters inside apartment buildings. Countless fires across New York have been linked to defective lithium-ion batteries, but people are struggling to understand this connection. Despite this lack of awareness, the consumer is not always to blame. Manufacturers must be held… Read More »

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Rising Cyclist Numbers in New York City: A Look at Increased Accidents and Injuries

By Cohan Law Firm |

Introduction As New York City embraces a greener and more active mode of transport, the number of cyclists weaving through its streets has surged dramatically. However, this positive trend brings with it a less favorable aspect: an increase in cycling-related accidents and injuries. This article aims to explore this correlation and its implications for… Read More »

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Michael Cohan, Esq. | Cohan Law Firm 2023-12-07 10-48-40


By Cohan Law Firm |

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, NY – 12/7/2023 – Cohan Law Firm (cohanlegal.com), a leading personal injury law firm in New York, secured a significant decision at the Appellate Division Second Department of New York. The firm, represented by Michael Cohan and Beth S. Gereg, successfully defended the rights of their client in an… Read More »

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Will my insurance go up if I am in an accident?

By Cohan Law Firm |

If you are in an accident, your insurance should NOT go up UNLESS you caused the accident. However, insurance companies may raise your premium with the proper notice, and you may be forced to switch insurance companies.

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Can I sue my landlord if my ceiling collapses?

By Cohan Law Firm |

If your ceiling collapses and you are injured, you may sue your landlord for your injuries. The landlord must have had actual or constructive notice that the ceiling could have collapsed. Contact an attorney today to discuss your possible lawsuit.

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Can I sue a restaurant for getting Covid-19?

By Cohan Law Firm |

In order to bring a case against a business for catching Covid-19, you have to prove that the business was negligent. The challenge with Covid-19 is proving you contracted covid-19 while patronizing that business. Due to the nature of Covid-19, it is difficult to prove where you contracted it from. Thus, it is very… Read More »

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Trip and Fall at a Friend’s Party

By Cohan Law Firm |

If I trip and fall at a friend’s house while at a party, do you have a case? It depends. There has to be a defect that on the premises that caused you to fall. If you simply fall over your own feet, you do not have a case.

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If a Drunk Driver hits me, do I have a case?

By Cohan Law Firm |

Yes. If a driver is drunk and hits you while intoxicated, you may have a case against them. However, if the driver was drunk but did not cause the accident, you may not have a case against them. For instance, if you rear end a drunk driver at a red light, you will not… Read More »

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