Manhasset Slip-and-Fall Claims Due to Inadequate Lighting

If you slipped and fell, your injuries may have been caused by inadequate lighting. Many people underestimate how important illumination is for safety. If you cannot see where you’re walking, it is very difficult to avoid falling. This may be especially true for seniors or anyone with vision problems. But can you really sue a property owner for not providing adequate lighting? Could this lead to a slip-and-fall lawsuit in Manhasset?
Higher Illumination Is Required in Stairwells
According to the New York City Building Code, property owners must illuminate their stairwells with at least 2 foot-candles. A “foot-candle” is a unit of illumination, equal to one “candela” at a distance of one foot. Higher candelas indicate more focused light beams. You might imagine this as a candle illuminating exactly one square foot against a wall.
New York City doubles the normal requirement, forcing property owners to install more light in their stairwells. The reason for this is obvious: Safety. If you can illuminate a stairwell with more light, you may reduce the likelihood of serious falls.
If you suspect that a property owner provided illumination below this threshold, you might be able to file a personal injury claim against them. However, measuring the amount of foot-candles in a stairwell is not something the average person can do. After your fall, the property owner might also panic and install better lighting – hoping that no one notices.
Consider taking a photograph of the stairwell after your fall if possible. An experienced injury attorney can also help you gather evidence, such as video surveillance of the stairwell in question.
Requirements for Outdoor Lighting in New York
New York building codes require motion-sensing lighting in many outdoor situations. Examples include parking lot lights and lights for outdoor staircases. The purpose of motion-sensing technology is to save power, but it must activate properly to be effective. Saving power should be a secondary concern compared to improving safety.
If you walked in an outdoor area and a light failed to activate when you passed by, you may be able to sue if you subsequently became injured. The absence of any light may have caused you to fall down a staircase, or stumble in a parking lot.
Key Takeaways
- Property owners are legally required to provide proper illumination
- Falls down dark stairwells can be particularly catastrophic
- Automatic lights in outdoor areas, such as parking lots, may be necessary
Can a Manhasset Injury Attorney Help Me?
A Manhasset injury attorney may be able to help if you slipped and fell due to inadequate lighting. While this might have been a factor in your fall, the property owner may have contributed to the accident in other ways. To fully investigate your accident and gather appropriate evidence, consider working alongside the legal professionals at Cohan Law, PLLC. Contact us today to learn more about your options.