Witness Throws Brick at Driver to Prevent Hit-and-Run on Long Island

Hit-and-run drivers in Manhasset continue to cause mayhem, and their lack of basic responsibility makes it even more difficult to process the life-altering effects of serious accidents. When a negligent driver flees the scene of a crash, it adds salt to existing psychological and physical wounds – preventing a sense of closure and justice. A recent incident shows just how far drivers are willing to go in order to avoid consequences for their actions. Fortunately, an experienced New York car accident attorney can help victims hold these negligent drivers accountable.
Brick-Wielding Witness Forces Hit-and-Run Driver to Stop
In late August, a chaotic scene unfolded on Long Island when a teen driver tried to flee a crash. First, the 18-year-old crashed her Mercedes Benz into a utility pole. The impact caused the pole to fall to the ground – prompting numerous bystanders to approach the scene. One man emerged from his vehicle and walked toward the crash scene – only for the teen driver to suddenly reverse into him.
The man was then thrown backward into his own vehicle, crushing him between the two cars. Next, the teenager put her car back into drive and slammed on the accelerator – hoping to escape the devastation she had just caused.
However, another witness was not willing to let her get away. Described by some as a “vigilante,” this individual grabbed a brick and threw it at the windshield of the Mercedes Benz. The brick shattered the windshield, forcing the panicked teen to finally stop her vehicle. At some point, police arrived and placed her under arrest – charging her with leaving the scene of an accident involving serious injury.
The man who was crushed suffered what first responders refer to as “serious injuries,” and he was quickly transported to a nearby hospital. The exact nature and extent of these injuries is not clear, although being crushed between two cars can cause permanent damage to internal organs and lower extremities.
Perhaps the most notable aspect of this story is that the brick thrower was not charged by police. Technically, throwing a brick at a moving vehicle is against the law – even if you’re trying to stop a hit-and-run driver. That being said, it seems that police are willing to look the other way in certain situations.
Key Takeaways
- Drivers who refuse to stop make prompt treatment more difficult for victims
- In New York, you can file a no-fault claim even if you can’t locate the other driver
- Police often locate and arrest hit-and-run drivers – even if they initially escape
Contact a Manhasset Auto Accident Lawyer Today
If you’re serious about holding hit-and-run drivers liable for your damages, consider a consultation with Cohan Law, PLLC. Over the years, we have helped numerous car accident victims on Long Island – and we know how painful it can be when drivers flee the scene. With our help, you can pursue much-needed compensation and justice – even if you can’t locate the person responsible. Reach out today to learn more about your options – including no-fault auto injury claims.